Monday, September 22, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Arts Pool Tuesday 25th November from 9 - 6pm

This event is intended to encourage local artists in exile and refugees to display or present their work to programmers and established artists. The day will include workshops designed to help artists develop their portfolio, establish connections and also circulate their Cv via the BeyondsBordersUk website, which will be launched on the same day.

The venue its the arts organisation, 21 station st, Nottingham, adjecent to the railway station. This will be an open event from 12.30 onwards, with morning sessiosn reserved for artists and exhibitors only.

We will be producing a brochure of artists for programmers to take away on the day and will therefore need an image from each artist (this could be of the artform/practice or artist themselves) a brief statement consisting of no more than 85 words and contact details (this could include an email address, telephone number and website address). Could you please get this information over to Alma ( no later than Friday 31st October?

Please spread word of this event and encourage and assist artists in exile to get in touch as soon as possible about this event

Monday, September 15, 2008

International Migrants in Rural Areas: Communities, Impacts and Issues

May be of interest?

International Migrants in Rural Areas: Communities, Impacts
and Issues, 10am – 4pm, Tuesday 7th October 2008

St Martin-in-the-Fields Hall, Trafalgar Square, London WC2

For further information or to confirm attendance please contact Holly Andrew,
Migration and Equalities Team, ippr 0207 470 6165 or


Photography and video installation by Maggy Milner

20 September 2008 - 11 November 2008, Pickford's House, Derby

Blue, an installation of backlit photos and video, sets up equivalents for loss, absence and tragedy. Relying on the spiritual qualities of light, emotive colour and iconic form, Maggy Milner invites the viewer to decode and unravel visual clues. The play between darkness and light creates disquiet. The work is visually arresting but disorientating, haunting and enigmatic.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Final conference: report and reflections

A big thank you to all those who made the conference a fun and successful two days. There was some good discussion of ways forward, some critical reflection on what has been achieved and many new friendships made.

You can also view some photos of the event online: